# 21 Chilly Evening
# 21 Chilly Evening Evening is a time of real experimentation. You never want to look the same way. What I’m wearing: * Shape: by Tarra Secret *Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.0 *Mesh Head: CATWA head Koura Bento *Skin Applier: amara beauty - Priya 03 peach CATWA *Tattoos: CAROL G. TATTOO WEAR - Romantic Roses Black [White~Widow] Rings - Black *Eyes: CATWA Mesh Eyes *Hair: (r)M Hair , No.48'17 (Blondes) *Dress: ISON - tight tee dress (geometric heart) *Jacket: ISON - plastic bomber jacket (clear) *Shoes: Italiano Luna - COSMOPOLITAN ROOM *Accesorries : *Xia's Boutique* - Diamond Nose Stud .::Supernatural::. Lucille Silver Diamonds & Gold Heart Necklace (A) Lip piercing *Onyx Paw* "My deer...